Friday, February 15, 2008


Asalm alykom:
Here is an Islam related writing asignment for higher grades. My son is in 6th grade and he was able to do it. Quotations can sometimes be difficult. Once the student learns the basic rules, he or she just needs practice writing with quotations to get better. I had my son take a situation or story from hadith or Quran that involves a conversation. Some examples would be the conversation of the prophet Sulayman and the hud-hud bird, prophet Ibraheem and his son, or Prophet Dawood and Goliath. We used these situations because at the time we were studying the history of Mesopotomia and the history involves the Biblical prophets and their stories.

1 comment:

Talibiddeen Jr. said...

as salaamu alaykum,

That's a great example of how to bring Islam into the secular subjects.