Monday, October 20, 2008

Live Your Life on Purpose

Assalam alykom:
This is a spectacular book that everyone should read. There is nothing in Muslim publications like this. It was such an easy to read book. It was not a book of rules like most Islamic books. It was done in a light conversational tone that mixed humor and great advice on spirituality and just living life the right way. Here is the abstract on it:
Book Abstract
In Live Your Life On Purpose, Radwan endeavors to awaken our senses by sharing with us basic truths about being more successful and fulfilled through living our lives according to God’s purpose for us. This book is replete with quranic and biblical passages, yet it is laced with humorous anecdotes, clichés and quotes that make the tone of the book conversational, rather than as an aloof religious authority. Radwan expounds in a loving and peaceful manner to all people of God, seekers, and skeptics. Also, he offers chapters of positive and practical solutions to life’s stumbles, with simple yet invigorating advice that helps view ourselves with a fresh and positive perspective. The book shows a behavior model and sheds light on understanding and appreciating our relationship with God, improving our interactions with others, as well as building and maintaining a healthy, functioning community. Whether contemplating the age-old mystery of the purpose of life, seeking to enrich your spiritual path, or desiring to improve your Islamic knowledge and character, Live Your Life On Purpose will provide food for thought, inspire, and leave you hopeful and uplifted.
You can read the first 45 pages HERE
Here is where you can order your copy today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Im Hollie too! and Muslim...and I live in the in Nova Scotia...I am a revert. My arabic name is Hanan.