Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An old book brings a new light

I picked up this 1928 6th grade English book in a yard sale recently. The book is by a current famous publisher, Houghton Mifflin. I only paid a dollar for it,but I found it worth more than that. My son is in 6th grade and I decided to use it with him. The book seems to be much more advanced that the books that we have today. It concentrates a great deal on spoken speech as well as written speech. I love what the beginning of the book says. It gives the purpose of the books as follows:
This book is intended for the 6th grade in elementary school. It endeavors to aid pupils during this formative year in establishing habits of thought and expression that will prove a permanent value.
I hope to use this book for its intended purpose. I have picked up many books lately from the 1920's and 1930's. I have bought many for teaching and many for myself to read. The language is so rich in these older books and the themes are more innocent and moral. I hope to share more from my 1928 English book.


Anonymous said...

If this book is a rare gem , it should be converted into an e-book.
Then the book can be distributed among other homeschoolers easily.

Anonymous said...


Jizak'Allahu khairan for sharing about your English book. I like sometimes to read old literature and find the appeal the same as yourself. The innocense and morals brought through masha'Allah.

I've also recently come across 'old' curriculums, well e-books actually.

For teaching reading through the Phonics system.

If you are interested or know of other homschooling mom's who might be, please pass it on. Here is the link.


There are many FREE English reading curriculums here, as well as literacy information in general.

Kind regards,

Umm Abdulrahman

Umm Fatimah said...

As salamu 'alaykum Hollie!

Subhan Allah, this is one of those things that you know Allah put there just for you. You said it best, the thinking of that era is so different from us now. We could learn alot from those books!