We have lived in Nebraska for about 7 months now and survived the winter. When we first entered Nebraska upon moving here, we noticed the sign at the state line saying: "Welcome to Nebraska...... the "Good Life". We now have a little masjid with a handful of familes, Alhamdolilah. My husband has been recently doing some very inspiring khutbas about living the "Good Life", not just in Nebraska, but everywhere and for everyone. I hope you enjoy them and have as much inspiration as our little community has had from them. Just click the words next to the number and have a listen to each inspiration.
2. Good Words
5. Corporate Mercy (will be added soon)
Good Life Through Remembering Allah
by Radwan Kouatli
1. Your Wali
by Radwan Kouatli
1. Your Wali
Good Life Through Keeping Allah's Commandments
by Radwan Kouatli
1. Remembering Allah's Commandments
by Radwan Kouatli
1. Remembering Allah's Commandments